Media release
7 May 2024
The Early Learning and Care Council of Australia (ELACCA) welcomes funding for early learning in the 2024-25 Victorian Budget.
We congratulate Minister for Children, Lizzie Blandthorn and the Allan Government on their continued investment in the early learning and care sector through:
- $129m for continued delivery of the Best Start, Best Life reform, including Kinder Kits for the 2025 kinder year.
- $19m over 3 years for Building Blocks kindergarten improvement and inclusion grants.
- $9m over 3 years to strengthen kinder participation of children and families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
- $3m to provide early childhood intervention services, including inclusive education and therapy support, for children living with a disability or developmental delay who are ineligible for the National Disability Scheme (NDIS) due to their non-permanent residency status.
ELACCA also notes today’s announcement of delays in the implementation of the Victorian Government’s transformative Best Start, Best Life reform program.
‘We commend the Victorian Government on their ongoing nation-leading reform in early learning and care,’ said ELACCA CEO, Elizabeth Death.
‘ELACCA notes the delayed implementation timetable for the Best Start, Best Life reforms and acknowledges the importance of a strong early childhood workforce to deliver quality outcomes for children. ELACCA looks forward to working with the Department of Education and sector colleagues to ensure an efficient roll-out of quality kinder and Pre-Prep programs across Victoria.’ Ms Death said.
‘We want as many young children as possible benefiting from these important reforms, accessing quality preschool programs for 15 hours a week in three-year-old kinder, and 30 hours a week in Pre-Prep, as soon as possible’ Ms Death said.
Universal access to quality preschool programs in the two years before school will help set all Victorian children up for the best start in life.
For more information please contact:
Sally Maddison
Early Learning and Care Council of Australia
PO Box 348
Annandale NSW 2038
Mob: 0499 306 794
About us:
The Early Learning and Care Council of Australia (ELACCA) was established to promote the value of quality early learning and care as an integral part of Australia’s education system. Our 18 CEO members include some of the largest early learning providers in the country, representing both not-for-profit and for-profit services. ELACCA members operate 2,011 long day care services, 370 preschool/kindergarten services and 92 OSHC services, covering every state and territory. They offer one-quarter of all the early learning places in Australia. Together, our members serve 369,776 children and their families, and employ more than 56,000 staff.