ELACCA welcomes appointment of Professor Emerita Deborah Brennan AM to co-lead Productivity Commission Inquiry into early childhood education and care

Media release

9 February 2023

The Early Learning and Care Council of Australia (ELACCA) is delighted to welcome the appointment of Professor Emerita Deborah Brennan AM as co-lead of the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Australia’s early childhood education and care (ECEC) system.

Professor Brennan is one of the country’s leading social policy thinkers, and published highly influential research in the sector over many years, including the Lifting Our Game report co-authored with Susan Pascoe in 2017.

“I’m thrilled that we have a person of the calibre of Professor Brennan leading this review” ELACCA CEO Elizabeth Death said. “Professor Brennan brings to the role a deep knowledge and thorough understanding of our sector, and we look forward to working with her as she undertakes this critical task”.

This Productivity Commission Inquiry is complementary to a raft of reform and activity in the sector, including the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) inquiry into early childhood education and care costs and prices, which recently commenced.

ELACCA members look forward to working with both the ACCC and Productivity Commission to build their understanding about the cost drivers and factors that impact the provision of quality and affordable early learning and care. “Our members welcome the opportunity to help inform the future architecture of pricing and Government support for our sector to uplift Australian children’s outcomes, families’ workforce participation and economic benefits for the nation” Ms Death said.

ELACCA is particularly pleased to see the Productivity Commission’s Terms of Reference for this inquiry explicitly consider the outcomes of children and families experiencing vulnerability and disadvantage, First Nations children and families, and children and families experiencing disability.

Ms Death commended the Australian Government on their appointment of Professor Brennan, and for its ongoing commitment to targeted investment and reform in the early learning and care sector.


For more information please contact:

Sally Maddison

Early Learning and Care Council of Australia

PO Box 348

Annandale NSW 2038

Mob: 0498 228 762

E: [email protected]


About us: 

The Early Learning and Care Council of Australia (ELACCA) was established to promote the value of quality early learning and care as an integral part of Australia’s education system. Our 19 CEO members include some of the largest early learning providers in the country, representing both not-for-profit and for-profit services. ELACCA members operate 1,984 long day care services, 310 preschool/kindergarten services and 92 OSHC services, covering every state and territory. They offer one-quarter of all the early learning places in Australia. Together, our members serve 336,000 children and their families, and employ more than 53,000 staff. 

As well as promoting the value of quality early learning and the need for greater public investment, ELACCA advocates for the right of all children to access quality early learning and care, particularly children facing disadvantage. We do this by drawing on the knowledge and practical experience of our members and representing their views to decision makers in government, the media and the public.