ELACCA welcomes $715m early learning investment in the 2024/25 South Australian Budget

Media release   

3 June 2024 

The Early Learning and Care Council of Australia (ELACCA) has welcomed investment of $715 million over five years through the 2024/25 South Australian Budget, delivered today.

‘We congratulate Premier Malinauskas and Minister Boyer on this significant and long-term investment in early learning in South Australia, and the commitment to addressing vulnerability and ensuring access to quality 3-year-old preschool across the state as soon as possible,’ said ELACCA CEO Elizabeth Death.

The investment is part of a $1.9 billion package over the period 2023-2033 and will enable implementation of universal 3-year-old preschool and other key recommendations from the 2023 Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care.

ELACCA commends the pace of the South Australian Government’s response to the Royal Commission, including the rollout of 3-year-old preschool from 2026, and providing necessary funding to build a qualified, high-quality workforce and new and improved infrastructure needed to meet this important reform.

ELACCA is committed to working with the South Australian Government to realise the commitment to partnership with quality long day care providers to deliver 3-year-old preschool.

ELACCA welcomes investment in the 2024/25 South Australian Budget that includes:

• $339.7 million over five years to deliver universal 3-year-old preschool in government and non-government settings (importantly, including at long day care services)

• $127.3 million over four years to provide 30 hours per week of preschool to 3 and 4-year-old children at greatest risk of developmental vulnerability

• $96.6 million over four years to build and maintain the early learning and care workforce, and provide support for quality teaching and learning in preparation for universal 3-year-old preschool delivery

• $30.6 million over four years to align the support offered through 4-year-old preschool with enhanced supports being developed for 3-year-old preschool.

ELACCA applauds the investment of $14 million to partner with Aboriginal communities to increase the benefits Aboriginal children receive from 3-year-old preschool, and invest in early learning and care provided by Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations.

ELACCA is pleased to note additional support for the Education Standards Board to increase the frequency of assessments and ratings.

Further information on the roll-out is available at https://earlychildhood.sa.gov.au/.

ELACCA looks forward to continuing to work with the South Australian Government to implement these reforms and help ensure every child receives the support they need to achieve their potential.


For more information please contact:  

Sally Maddison

Early Learning and Care Council of Australia  

PO Box 348  

Annandale NSW 2038  

Mob: 0499 306 794 

E: [email protected]  


About us:  

The Early Learning and Care Council of Australia (ELACCA) was established to promote the value of quality early learning and care as an integral part of Australia’s education system. Our 18 CEO members include some of the largest early learning providers in the country, representing both not-for-profit and for-profit services. ELACCA members operate 2,011 long day care services, 370 preschool/kindergarten services and 92 OSHC services, covering every state and territory. They offer one-quarter of all the early learning places in Australia. Together, our members serve 369,776 children and their families, and employ more than 56,000 staff.