Media Release
28 August 2023
The Early Learning and Care Council of Australia (ELACCA) welcomes the findings from the South Australian Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care, in the Commission’s Final Report released yesterday. The Report includes ambitious recommendations to effect long-term, sustainable change for children in South Australia.
ELACCA has valued the opportunity to actively participate and contribute to the Commission’s inquiry into Early Childhood Education and Care alongside our South Australian members and sector colleagues.
ELACCA CEO Elizabeth Death says that the objectives of the Report align clearly with ELACCA’s key pillars of quality, workforce and accessibility.
“Commissioner Julia Gillard and her team are to be commended for the considerable amount of research, listening and learning that has been built into this report”, Ms Death said.
ELACCA is pleased to see the following high-level themes in the Report:
- early learning and care as the backbone of the universal child development system.
- valuing the early learning and care workforce.
- a focus on supporting children and families experiencing vulnerability.
- a cross-sectoral and partnership approach.
“The importance of nationally consistent recognition of ACECQA recognition of early childhood qualifications is vital for our sector, and we thoroughly welcome the recommendation supporting this in South Australia”, Ms Death said.
ELACCA notes the importance of maintaining our national law and regulations for consistency of delivery, in all states and territories.
Ms Death said she remains committed to working with the South Australian Government, the Office for the Early Years, Education Standards Board and ELACCA members “to deliver sector-wide quality reforms to realise positive and consistent relationships and outcomes for every South Australian child and family, and reflecting their needs and circumstances”.
These reforms will help ELACCA progress its objective to lead exceptional early learning outcomes for Australian children, and aspire to:
- progress the quality of early learning and care and outcomes for all children.
- enhance the development and professionalisation of the early learning workforce.
- improve equity of access to early learning for all children.
The Final Report can be accessed on the Royal Commission’s website at:
For more information please contact:
Sally Maddison
Early Learning and Care Council of Australia (ELACCA)
PO Box 348
Annandale NSW 2038
Mob: 0498 228 762
About us:
The Early Learning and Care Council of Australia (ELACCA) was established to promote the value of quality early learning and care as an integral part of Australia’s education system.
Our 19 CEO members include some of the largest early learning providers in the country, representing both not-for-profit and for-profit services. ELACCA members operate 1,984 long day care services, 310 preschool/kindergarten services and 92 OSHC services, covering every state and territory. They offer one-quarter of all the long day care places in Australia. Together, our members serve 369,776 children and their families, and employ more than 56,708 staff.
As well as promoting the value of quality early learning and the need for greater public investment, ELACCA advocates for the right of all children to access quality early learning and care, particularly children facing disadvantage. We do this by drawing on the knowledge and practical experience of our members and representing their views to decision makers in government, the media and the public.