Media release
25 June 2024
The Early Learning and Care Council of Australia (ELACCA) has welcomed South Australia’s Early Childhood Workforce Strategy released on 22 June. The strategy is a component of the South Australia’s $1.9 billion investment in the early years.
‘We congratulate Education Minister Blair Boyer on the new strategy to grow and support our valued workforce, including $96.6 million investment, at a time when it is much needed’ said ELACCA CEO Elizabeth Death.
‘Attracting, upskilling and retaining a robust, qualified workforce is vital to ensuring the provision of high-quality early learning and care.’
South Australia’s Early Childhood Workforce Strategy is a comprehensive plan to build and grow the critical workforce required to successfully implement early learning reforms recommended by the Gillard Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care.
The $96.6 million will support the South Australian early childhood workforce, investing in quality teaching and learning. This will be complemented by the Education Standards Board support of continuous quality improvement of early childhood services.
Important elements of the Early Childhood Workforce Strategy include:
- up to $25,000 for people studying to become early childhood teachers, or $7,000 for people studying a diploma in early childhood education and care
- support for new career opportunities in the sector through professional development pathways
- an Aboriginal workforce strategy to better support and increase the number of Aboriginal early childhood teachers and educators.
As a member of the Ministerial Early Childhood Advisory Forum, ELACCA looks forward to continuing to work with the South Australian Government, the Office for Early Childhood Development and the Education Standards Board to implement these game-changing reforms.
The Early Childhood Workforce Strategy is available at:
For more information please contact:
Sally Maddison
Early Learning and Care Council of Australia
PO Box 348
Annandale NSW 2038
Mob: 0499 306 794
About us:
The Early Learning and Care Council of Australia (ELACCA) was established to promote the value of quality early learning and care as an integral part of Australia’s education system. Our 18 CEO members include some of the largest early learning providers in the country, representing both not-for-profit and for-profit services. ELACCA members operate 2,011 long day care services, 370 preschool/kindergarten services and 92 OSHC services, covering every state and territory. They offer one-quarter of all the early learning places in Australia. Together, our members serve 369,776 children and their families, and employ more than 56,000 staff.